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  DataTipo di documento Titolo Emittente/organismo
16 Aug 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of  Auto Manufacturer issuers Aston Martin Ca...
Aston Martin La...
Bayerische Moto...
BMW Australia F...
BMW Canada Inc.
BMW Finance N.V...
BMW Internation...
BMW Japan Finan...
BMW US Capital,...
Fiat Chrysler F...
21 Jul 2023 Rating Action Moody's affirms Volkswagen's A3/P-2 ratings; outlook stable Porsche Holding...
Volkswagen Akti...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
VW Credit Canad...
VW Credit, Inc.
22 Mar 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Manufacturing and Building Materials issuers in Asia Pacific AAC Technologie...
Anhui Conch Cem...
Ansell Limited
Beijing New Bui...
Boral Finance P...
Boral Industrie...
Boral Limited
CRRC Corporatio...
CRRC Zhuzhou Lo...
Daikin Industri...
06 Sep 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Auto Manufacturer issuers Aston Martin Ca...
Aston Martin La...
Bayerische Moto...
BMW Australia F...
BMW Canada Inc.
BMW Finance N.V...
BMW Internation...
BMW Japan Finan...
BMW US Capital,...
Fiat Chrysler F...
05 May 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Manufacturer and Building Materials issuers in Asia AAC Technologie...
Anhui Conch Cem...
Ansell Limited
Beijing New Bui...
Boral Finance P...
Boral Industrie...
Boral Limited
CRRC Corporatio...
CRRC Zhuzhou Lo...
Daikin Industri...
22 Sep 2021 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Porsche Holding...
Volkswagen Akti...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
VW Credit Canad...
VW Credit, Inc.
26 Mar 2021 Rating Action Moody's changes Volkswagen's outlook to stable, affirms A3 ratings Porsche Holding...
Volkswagen Akti...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
VW Credit Canad...
VW Credit, Inc.
30 Oct 2020 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Porsche Holding...
Volkswagen Akti...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
VW Credit Canad...
VW Credit, Inc.
02 Jun 2020 Rating Action Moody's confirms VW's A3 ratings; Outlook negative Porsche Holding...
Volkswagen Akti...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Grou...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
Volkswagen Inte...
VW Credit Canad...
VW Credit, Inc.
25 Mar 2020 Rating Action Moody's places ratings of 7 European Automotive manufacturers on review for downgrade one issuer for direction uncertain; downgrades one issuer Bayerische Moto...
BMW Australia F...
BMW Canada Inc.
BMW Finance N.V...
BMW Internation...
BMW Japan Finan...
BMW US Capital,...
Fiat Chrysler F...
GIE PSA Tresore...
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